Smart Cleaning Solutions is one of Australia’s best cleaning companies with branches all around Australia providing reliable cleaning services all over the country with top notch workers and cleaners around. Our Services vary from cleaning Hotels, Pubs, RSL Clubs, Gyms, Schools, Childcare, Aged Care, Medical Centres, & Hospitals.

14 Things You Should Never Clean with Windex

Close up of tan leather sofa with two linen cushions


“Do not use Windex on leather furniture; its alcohol content can cause permanent discoloration,” advises Bailey Wesley, crew leader at the Ann Arbor, Michigan-based Housekeeping Associates. Instead, Wesley recommends using Weiman Leather Cleaner & Conditioner or a damp microfiber cloth for cleaning without any accidental staining. Find out the things you should never clean with a Swiffer. But there is one thing Swiffer is great at cleaning that you haven’t thought about before.


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