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How to Make a Knife Rack for Inside Your Cabinet

This clever knife rack can be sized to suit any cabinet door and any cutlery set. And aside from waiting for glue and the finish to dry, it takes less than an hour to complete. The following pages detail the process. Here are pointers to help you along:

-Cutting the slots (Photo 1) requires you to remove the blade guard. Be careful!

-Our knife rack is finished with a couple of light coats of aerosol spray lacquer, but you can choose any finish you like.

-Wood shrinks and swells with changes in humidity. To allow for that movement, make sure the screw holes in the knife rack (Photo 6) are slightly larger than the screw diameter. When you drive the screws, make them snug but not super tight.

-If you mount this rack on a lower cabinet door and have toddlers around, you’ll also need a childproof latch. There are several options costing about $3 at home centers and online.

1. Cut the knife slots

Knife rack 1

Set your saw blade to cut 1 in. deep. Center the blade in the board and make a pass. Flip the board end for end and make another pass to center the slot. Raise the blade to 2 in. and repeat. Be sure to use a featherboard and push block for safety. Cut the board into six 10-in. lengths for a 16-in.-wide door.

The Important Reason Why You Need to Clean Your Knife Block


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